The response from the Person Search API will be in this format:
[ { "title": "Mr", "name": "John", "surname": "Covert", "domain": null, "email": "[email protected]", "linkedIn": "johncovert", "twitter": null, "industryId": 73, "industries": null, "pastCompany": "Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox", "school": null, "profileLanguage": null, "serviceCategories": null, "locality": "Washington, District Of Columbia, United States", "cityId": 82449, "cities": { "name": "Washington", "countryId": 239, "countries": null, "regionId": 314, "regions": null, "id": 82449, "createdAt": "2022-11-12T02:21:01.3609847" }, "street": "1100 new york avenue northwest", "countryId": 239, "position": "Director", "gender": "male", "birthDate": null, "experience": "Patent Examiner, Director, Biotech And Chemical Practice Group Leader, Director", "workEmail": "[email protected]", "facebookId": "1549484302", "facebookUsername": "john.covert.33", "inferredSalary": "150,000-250,000", "inferredYearsExperience": 32, "locationGeo": "38.89,-77.03", "language": "[]", "phone": "+17037952546", "mobile": null, "summary": "I am a director and co-chair of Sterne Kessler’s Biotechnology & Chemical Practice Group.", "skills": "Patents, Patent Prosecution, Intellectual Property, Due Diligence. "linkedInConnections": 915, "dataSourceType": 4, "whenUpdated": "2023-03-02T22:13:23.8033333", "companyId": 792519, "positionId": 10576, "id": 23768484, "createdAt": "2021-08-15T08:35:46.349448" } ]
See Example Person Record for a full example of the fields included in the data object.
Array (Object) | The person response objects that match the input query in the format described in our Person Schema. |
The data list is made up of objects that contain the entire PDL profile for each person that matches the Search API request. Any profile field that we do not have data for will have a null value.
Integer | The API response code. |
Integer | The total number of records that matched the input query. |
String | The scroll token to use to fetch the next batch of results for the query. |
For more information on using scroll_token, see here.
Any request that does not return a 200 success response will instead use the format described in Errors.
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