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FAQ's - Persons Search API

See this section for a detailed breakdown of the differences between our Person APIs.

The Person Search API ignores the nuances in our Person Enrichment API matching logic. We don't do any preprocessing (cleaning) of the inputs to the Person Search API, so you're almost guaranteed to have a lower match rate.

What's more, Person Search API queries and Person Enrichment API queries are structured differently. When you make a Person Enrichment API request, we have a custom-built query that takes the different input parameters and weights them differently, only returning a match in certain cases while using stack ranking in cases where there are multiple matches (for example, John Smith in San Francisco.)

The backend data uses a SQL filter:

WHERE RowNumber > 0 AND RowNumber <= 100

To maintain the paging of results.  In the above example, we can see 100 is the default (take) request.  If we assume that the user wants the next 100 results.  The SQL filter we be constructed as:

WHERE RowNumber > 100 AND RowNumber <= 200

In order to page the next results, your own request logic must ensure that that skip count off 100 (the same as the take amount) is used on each request.

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