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Input Parameters

Required Parameters

When you execute an API request, the query runs directly against our Person Dataset without any cleaning or preprocessing. This means that you have a lot of freedom to explore the dataset and return the perfect records for your particular use case. It also means that you will need to understand the available fields to make successful queries.

Use the field descriptions on the Person Schema or build your query using the query builder with your RapidAPI hub to help write better queries.

To help you identify how to best query for related entities (companies), we offer a suite of company API.

RapidAPI also provide a free testing tool that allows you download to try the data without writing any code.  You can also use this to generate an API query.

Need an API Key?

If you don't have an API key, you can easily create one by signing up for a self-serve account. For more information, check out our Quickstart Guide, which walks you through the sign-up process as well as shows you how to use the self-serve API dashboard.


Key Value Description
locationIds [238,239] specify required locations (int)
industryIds 1|34|89 specify required industries (int)
positionIds 11369|11345 specifies required positions (int)
emailTypeId 1 specifies (1) Work, (2) Private
phoneTypeId 1 specifies required (1) Mobile, (2) Telephone (int)
locationList [Liverpool:United Kingdom|Washington:United States] specifies required [countries : cities] (string)
industryList [Wireless|Wholesale] specifies required industries (string)
positionList [director|chief exec] specifies required positions (string)
isFB 1 specifies the results must return a Facebook ID (int)
isX 1 specifies the results must return X ID (int)
headCount [11-50|51-200] specifies the required head count range (string)
ageRange [20-30|31-40] specifies the required age range (string)
gender 0 specfies the required gender (1) male, (2) female (int)
experience [1|1-3] specifies required years experience (string)
salary [25,000-35,000] specifies required salary range (string)
skills [Excel|Access] specifies required skills (string)
companyId [17257780|12969643|48308273] specifies required company the person is in. (string)
skip 100 skip: used for paging results to ensure the next batch (int)

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